Saturday, February 7, 2009

nuggets of thought

first, ed stetzer wrote a great article on being with and investing in your family. it is deeply insightful and encouraging.

also, Bible study magazine (a service of logos Bible software and mars hill church are giving away 20 copies of Mark Driscoll’s new book, Vintage Church, five subscriptions to the magazine, and a copy of logos Bible study library software! you can enter to win on the B.m.s. mark driscoll page.

lastly, i'm discovering more of what it means to die to myself. Jesus has thankfully been beating my pride into a bloody pulp recently, and though it is exceedingly painful, the joy that i am finding in His great grace is so worth it. we sang i surrender all last weekend at bg, and it's such a wondrous blessing to do that, and by His grace i'm learning to more and more, and finding more satisfaction in Him than i have in a long time. praise be to the King of all things, that He is gracious even unto me.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

balanced and reformed

i really like collin hansen. he wrote "young, restless, and reformed" (both article and book), and tends to give a good, balanced perspective on things. i earlier linked to his article about the efca clarifying their statement of faith before it was really an issue in that denomination. today i was pointed to this article
(HT: Pure Church and Ben Hutton) about what he would change if he had to write his book all over again.

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